The Redemption Process
Conversion between WDYM and esWDYM is a two-way process, each direction governed by its specific set of rules:
Converting WDYM to esWDYM
Conversion from WDYM to esWDYM is always available, free from penalties or restrictions.
The exchange rate for this conversion is fixed at 1:1.
Converting esWDYM back to WDYM
When converting esWDYM back to WDYM, there's an unlock period which can be chosen by the user. The conversion ratio improves with longer redemption periods:
A minimum period of 10 days yields a conversion ratio of 1:0.25 (25%).
A mid-tier period of 60 days yields a conversion ratio of 1:0.625 (62.5%).
The maximum period of 120 days offers a full 1:1 conversion ratio (100%).
Should the unlock period be less than the maximum, resulting in a ratio of less than 1:1, the shortfall in esWDYM is eliminated.
Users have the flexibility to cancel the esWDYM redemption process at any stage.
Canceling the redemption process before its completion nullifies the transaction, allowing users to reclaim their full esWDYM stake without receiving any WDYM.
Up to 50% of the esWDYM designated for elimination through this process may be allocated to the WDYM Foundation to bolster network support.
Last updated